
Jesus has commanded us to go into “all of the world” and “make disciples,” but most of us don’t know how to take the first step in this daunting task. Discovering Discipleship’s website and subsequent resources are meant to share simple Biblical principles that equip pastors and leaders to develop a culture of discipleship within their church. We want to empower church leaders to engage their congregation and join this mighty movement of disciples who make disciples to the ends of the earth. 

Key Values:

  • Abide - The Spirit does the work through prayer and the Word.

  • Culture not Curriculum - Discipleship is relational not a “turn key” program.

  • Obedience Over Knowledge - Jesus wants obedient disciples, not just intelligent students. 

Critical Actions:

  • Hear the Word - Embrace daily rhythms of reading and prayer

  • Obey the Word - Commit to accountability and action

  • Share the Word - Freely we have received, freely we pass truth on to others

Discovering Discipleship is a ministry of Revolve Church in Cape May NJ. You can visit our website at www.revolvechurchnj.com.

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